Business Administration Class 2016
As one of the world’s largest and most progressive property developers, the company is always known for its accomplishments. We send our Business Administration students on a field trip to Emaar to learn all about the organization’s units, get a better understanding on how they function, a description of each role and how they are all operated to achieve the organization’s goal.
Our students get to Apply their classroom theories in the real world. Coca-Cola’s field trip is one of the regular trips that always helps in increasing the engagement of students, as they have an insight on how the company strive to enhance every aspect of their product to maintain high-quality standards, which in return affect the understanding of students to the importance of continuous development to any business.
We send our students on field trips so that they can have a closer look on the real work experience. Orascom Construction is one of our most visited sites, as they focus on the infrastructure industrial & high-end commercial projects, this provides our Engineering students a better understanding as they get to live the practical experience not just a theoretical understanding of their field of study.
Fiber Optics, Automatic Control, PLC, & Material test those are the labs that our Engineering students visit on their field trip to Microsoft. Those lab visits & field trips always help our students to be inspired by the continuous achievement of the company, making them highly-skilled & ready to compete in the market as they are provided with an integrated academic program along with supervised work experience.
That’s right, we send our Mass Communication students to the well-known Deutsche Welle, Germany’s international broadcaster. They get to learn all about short wave, internet & satellite radio broadcasting from a credible channel as they have a closer look on the cycle of turning information into communicated message through their different channels in a free, independent, highly-qualified environment.
CIC Civil Architecture students were able to experience their craft in an new way when they visited Russia. Students visited the Kazan State University of Architecture in Russia where they worked in a concrete lab and visited a structural steel factory, and worked on an urban development project of the Kaban Lakes area. They also got to see buildings such as the Kremlin, St. Basil’s Cathedral and the State Historical Museum in Moscow!
We offer unique career coaching sessions by experts for our potential graduates. We help them in the career search process and help identify what should be their next step. We know what employers are looking for, and with the increased competition we aim to help out students discover their best career fit based on their talents and interests – which are the key to success.
As a potential graduate, you probably don’t have enough experience yet that you can highlight in your C.V. The SDO provides you with sessions that will help you write an outstanding C.V., highlighting all the training, workshops & part-time work experience that you had during your college years. Learn how to write the C.V. that will get you the job you’ve always wanted.
SDO, in cooperation with its partners, allows you to experience a real-life interview simulation to pass through multiple stages. Starting with psychometric tests to assess your ability in specific skills, learning more about interview behavior, what to do and what not to, then followed by feedback about your point of strength & weakness so that you can optimize or work on them.