CIC has signed a cooperation protocol with the Environmental Writers and Development Association, attended by Dr. Amal El-Gazzawy, Dr. Magy El-Helwany, Dr. Nermeen El-Azraq, Dr. Walid Hamed, and Dr. Mohamed Habib, ….
Mass Communication CIC is proud to announce the upcoming 8th Annual Conference, which aims to delve deeper into the evolving trends shaping the media industry.
The Joker, a documentary biography about the artist Lotfy Labib, a graduation project for CIC Mass Communication students in 2024,
On October 30th, our talented Dual Program students from the Mass Communication and Business Schools proudly organized and supported the esteemed CEO Women Conference.
On April 25, 1982, the Egyptian Army’s relentless struggle to reclaim our land came to fruition.
On this historic day, we remember and honor the brave individuals who sacrificed their lives for
the liberation of Sinai.
Today, the Zayed Campus hosted a significant conference organized by the School of Business Administration, gathering esteemed scholars and industry leaders to discuss the crucial role of business administration in society.
Today, the New Cairo Campus proudly hosted a conference organized by the School of Computer Science, where experts gathered to discuss the transformative role of artificial intelligence in Egypt’s future.
As CIC marks its 20th anniversary and CBU its 50th, we proudly graduated the Class of 2024!
We were honored to welcome delegates from our partner, Cape Breton University, to our convocations: President David C. Dingwall, Registrar Bilynda Whiting, and Dr. John Nadeau, Dean of the Shannon School of Business.
Cape Breton University (CBU), in partnership with the Canadian International College (CIC) in Cairo, Egypt, is proud to announce that Dr. Ahmed Abdelaziz will be conferred an honorary degree at the upcoming convocation ceremony on September 29, 2024…
For the first time, CIC is participating at EDU gate in Alexandria.
Our team will be waiting for you to answer all inquiries and help you choose the right major for you, explaining the methods of application and scholarships offered
We are honoured to announce that CIC has participated in the Akhbar El Youm fair, where we connected with many students and parents interested in learning about our programs.
Join us at EDUGATE Education Fair from the 4th of August to the 8th of August
Throughout the next 5 days, from 9 am until 8 pm
The agreement was signed in the presence of Dr. Ahmed Khattab, Director of the National Telecommunications Institute, and Dr. Mamdouh Mohamed El-Qadi, Chairman of the CIC Board of Directors.
The Canadian International College (CIC) is pleased to announce private open house tours on Thursday, May 23, and May 30.
Last week, the Canadian International College (CIC) held a highly successful “Career Empowerment Week,” featuring an impressive lineup of influencers and celebrities who shared their insights and expertise with students.
With great pride, we announce the victory of Mass Communication graduation projects for CIC Students, as they secured the first place in radio program production.
The CIC hosted the greatest artist Mohamed Sobhy yesterday in a seminar under the name of “The Role of Culture and Art in Human Development” as part of the launch of the “We Are All Egyptians” campaign, which returned after ten years to be held in all Egyptian universities, with the aim of spreading awareness of societal culture among young people.
Throughout the next 3 days, from 10 am until 7 pm, our team will be waiting for you to answer all inquiries and help you choose the right major for you, explaining the methods of application and scholarships offered.
انعقد المؤتمر الدولي السابع للإعلام cic تحت عنوان التحديات والإشكاليات الإعلامية في ظل الازمات
الاقتصادية و السياسية الراهنة على مدار يومين متتاليين الأربعاء و الخميس 20 و 21 ديسمبر عام 2023
، وذلك تحت رعاية السيد الأستاذ الدكتور / محمد أيمن عاشور وزير التعليم العالي البحث العلمي
Mass Communication CIC is proud to announce the upcoming 7th Annual Conference, which aims to shed light on the pressing media challenges and problems arising from the ongoing economic and political crisis.
The conference, titled “The Media Challenges and Problems of the Current Economic and Political Crisis,” is set to be a platform for insightful discussions and thought-provoking analyses. Scheduled to take place on Wednesday & Thursday 21,22 December,
In a bid to foster civic engagement and educate young minds about their crucial role in shaping the future of Egypt, CIC recently organized an enlightening session for its students.
The event, titled “The Role of Youth in the Participation and Building of the New Republic” aimed to empower students with knowledge about their civic responsibilities in the upcoming elections.
We were honored to welcome the esteemed Canadian Ambassador,H.E Louis Dumas on a memorable visit yesterday.
The ambassador’s presence at the college served as a testament to the strengthening ties between Canada and Egypt, as well as the importance of educational collaboration in fostering international partnerships.
Recognizing Excellence and Inspiring Future Success
CIC hosted a remarkable event today to honor and celebrate the outstanding achievements of our top students’ and their remarkable Hard work…
CIC announces that the credit hours of engineering is now 150 hours according to the Egyptian credit hour system, allowing our students the possibility of completing their courses in less than 5 years, Which gives them the opportunity to graduate in 4 years.
CIC congratulates Thanawya Amma Students for their success, and we wish everyone more excellence.
As our main goal is to provide high educational quality to our students and give them the opportunity of getting Canadian education and studying at Cape Breton University in Canada.
Join us at EDUGATE Education Fair from July 30 to 1st of August
Throughout the next 3 days , from 9 am until 8 pm
Learn about the CIC study programs and the Canadian certificate accredited by Cape Breton University
يمر المجتمع الدولي بأزمات اقتصادية متلاحقة، فمن جائحة كورونا، إلى أزمة سلاسل الإمداد العالمية، إلى الحرب الروسية الأوكرانية بتداعياتها السياسية والاقتصادية المستمرة إلى اليوم وكذلك الصراع الداخلي في السودان وتأثيره على المنطقة العربية وهو ما ينعكس بدوره على مهنة وصناعة الإعلام التي تواجه العديد من التحديات الاستثنائية في السنوات الأخيرة على مختلف الأصعدة مع التطورات التكنولوجية الهائلة في مجال الذكاء الاصطناعي مما أحدث ثورة في أساليب انتاج وتوزيع المحتوى[…]
CIC is proud to announce the summary by the RUR for CIC in three fields mainly: humanities, social sciences, and technical sciences.
تحت رعايه وزير التعليم العالى والبحث العلمى “الدكتور محمد ايمن عاشور”سيعقد المؤتمر الاعلامى الدولى السادس الخاص ب اعلام CIC
تحت عنوان “التحديات والقضايا الاعلاميه فى العصر الرقمى” يومى الاربع والخميس المقبل١٤،١٥ ديسمبر٢٠٢٢, فى مقر ال CIC بالتجمع الخامس[…]
فى إطار حرص ال CIC على الاهتما
و تليفزيو
The Canadian International College (CIC) is proud to announce that it has
been included in the Times Higher Education Arab University
Rankings 2022 with the “reporter” status.
This status recognizes […]
Egypt is hosting the 27th round of the Climate Change Conference- COP27 in Sharm ElSheikh.
In this regards and since we have been a green campus since our very first day, CIC is starting a number of activities to leave a better print on the planet. […]
We are proud to announce that CIC hosted a session by Dr Rania Al-Mashat the minister of International Cooperation of Egypt and former minister of Tourism of Egypt in a session powered by Mass Communication, CIC. […]
On that day, 25 April 1982, the Egyptian Army who kept struggling, by all means, to regain our lands should be remembered. We also honor those who sacrificed themselves for Sinai’s liberation. […]
Throughout the past week, we have been celebrating the graduation projects of the Business administration Class of 2021, under the supervision of Dr.Rania Taher, Head of business administration.[…]
In regards to Mother’s day, CIC has decided to honor the fighters & supporters in our students’ lives ,In the presence of Dr. Mahmoud Abu Al-Nasr, the academic advisor of CIC, and Dr. Amal El-Ghazzawi, Dean of Mass communication. […]
Here is the full story of the Happiness Day at CIC. We had a football-related talk with C. Shawki Gharib, CIC band on stage, and last but not least a visit from Santa Claus and his helpers to spread the […]
CIC has held it’s 4th round of the Multidisciplinary International Conference at it’s New Cairo campus on the 13th & 14th of November 2019. In context with the country’s vision for sustainable development 2030. The conference is an annual event […]
On Thursday, 10 October 02019, Huawei Egypt held an introductory session at CIC New Cairo Campus. The session targeted students of Communication and Electronics Engineering, Business Information Technology, and Computer Science. The purpose of the session was to introduce the […]