About Major
The public Relation and advertising Major Is focusing on the Persuasive side of the Media content, starting by stimulating the audience's interest by the different appeals and ending up by persuading them effectively, in addition to designing the different public relations and advertising campaigns in addition to providing him with persuasion, negotiation, and personal communication skills to enhance his ability to arouse the public's interest in the various types of communication and media content he presents.
Program Objectives
Students are introduced to the three majors through their 1st and 2nd year through the introductory courses of each major and throughout internal practical training given on each Media branch to help them choose concisely their majors, the theoretical and practical contents enhance their talents and skills and direct them to the Path of their dreams.
What will I Learn?
Each year students register in 6 courses including 4 mandatory and 2 electives in each Major sheets are attached.
Career Path
copywriters, brand managers, PR Specialists, Marketing Specialists, market analysts, issue management, corporate communication specialists relations, Media Relations officers, social media specialists
The institute is committed to providing a distinguished academic
an environment that enables the student to gain knowledge, skills, and ethics of the profession and to strengthen partnerships with Canadian universities to develop the academic environment, which will be reflected on the professional aspect of the graduate and qualify him for the local, regional and international labor market and support scientific research for community service and development purposes.
The academic qualification that you will obtain as a graduate from the Department of Public Relations and Advertising – CIC Media will carry out research in a scientific way and produce, edit and publish public relations materials in the local and global markets, and will qualify you to work in various institutions and advertising agencies in addition to the communicative job in various fields .so that each student can specialize in any field of his choice.
اتصالات فى التعليم I | MCE1 |
اتصالات فى التعليم II | MCE2 |
اسس التفكير النقدى والتحليلى
| GEN 105
تاريخ معاصر | GEN 107 |
قضايا سياسية معاصرة
| GEN 104
لغة انجليزية(مستوى اول )
| GEN 102
لغة عربية (مستوى اول )
| GEN 101
مدخل إلى الإعلام المسموع والمرئي | COM 112 |
مدخل إلى الصحافة | COM 111 |
مدخل إلى العلاقات العامة و الإعلان | COM 113 |
مدخل إلى علوم الاتصال | COM 110 |
مدخل إلى وسائل الإتصال الجديدة | COM 114 |
اقتصاديات الإعلام
| GEN 205
الإعلام وقضايا المجتمع
| COM 203
التربيه الإعلاميه | COM 211 |
الترجمة الإعلامية | COM 213 |
التشريعات الإعلامية
| COM 204
التفكير الأخلاقى
| GEN 108
الرأى العام
| COM 205
حقوق الإنسان
| COM 210
علم النفس الإعلامي
| COM 209
لغة عربية (أدب ونقد) مستوى ثان
| COM 201
لغه انجليزيه (مستوى ثانى) | COM 202 |
مادة إعلامية باللغة الانجليزية | COM 214 |
مبادئ الاحصاء | COM 208 |
مبادئ الاقتصاد | GEN 106 |
المستوى الثالث (برنامج العلاقات العامة والإعلان):
أسس الاتصالات التسويقية المتكاملة
IMC 301
الاتصال الإقناعي IMC 302
الكتابة للعلاقات العامة IMC 303
التصميم الجرافيكي في الاتصالات التسويقية (1) IMC 304
الاستراتيجيات الإبداعية في كتابة الإعلان IMC 305
بحوث الاتصالات التسويقية المتكاملة
IMC 306
الاتصال التنظيمي IMC 307
التسويق الاجتماعي IMC 308
التسويق الرقمي IMC 309
التصميم الجرافيكي في الاتصالات التسويقية (2) IMC 310
إدارة الازمات IMC 311
مهارات التفاوض IMC 312
اللغة الإعلانية IMC 313
المستوى الرابع (برنامج العلاقات العامة والإعلان): المسار الاول: الإعلان والاتصالات الترويجية إنتاج وتحرير الإعلان APC 401 الوكالات الإعلانية وإدارة العلامة التجارية APC 402 التسويق الابداعي APC 403 الإعلان الرقمي APC 405 مشروع التخرج APC 406 التخطيط ورعاية الاحداث الخاصة IMC 407 الإعلان الدولي IMC 408 المسار الثاني: العلاقات العامة والاتصالات المؤسسية: اساليب العلاقات العامة PROC 401 إدارة العلاقات العامة PROC 402 حملات العلاقات العامة PROC 403 إدارة الصراع PROC 404 مشروع التخرج PROC 405 |
Head of Department Message
The Public Relations and Advertising program seeks to provide our students with all educational, scientific, professional and practical methods that make them ready to graduate and compete in the labor market with the specifications of a distinguished graduate capable of competing in all areas of specialization.
Where each graduate is qualified to work in all professions related to production and creative advertising, planning and implementing various marketing campaigns, managing public relations campaigns and programs, organizing conferences and special events, through a unique educational service provided to our students over 4 years of Explanation, analysis, discussions, exercises, contact with the labor market and transfer experiences between different professional institutions related to our major.
We are always waiting for our students every year with greater expectations for more work, diligence, cooperation, support and training to achieve the vision and mission of the program, which seeks to graduate students who are able to compete in the local, regional and international labor market with the best efficiency and the highest skills.